Within the vast category of ceiling lighting, perhaps no fixture is more versatile than a hanging lantern. Lanterns
can be over-sized, large, medium and small; they come in a vast range of styles from traditional hurricanes and
bell jars to more decorative starbursts and other sculptural forms. As statement lighting, often serving in lieu of
a chandelier, lanterns have equal impact to any core piece of furniture in a room.
Smaller lanterns can be used in multiples with ease down a long foyer or hallway, or in kitchens. A single lantern
is a classic in an entryway. How the fixture adds to the room design can be as important as the ambient light it
gives. See how these designers illuminate each room in the house with hanging lanterns from Visual Comfort.
The Fox Group is a nationally recognized full-service residential design and construction firm located in Utah
focusing primarily on building and designing classic, custom homes.